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In need of a one-stop-shop for all your experiential learning needs? The Office of Experiential Learning is the all-in-one department that lets you explore the learning by doing opportunities to enhance your education and jump-start your career aspirations.
tiktok协议版私信接口官- 狗急加速器
Experiential learning integrates cognitive and behavioral learning theories as an applied approach to “learning by doing” that enables learners to gain experience in the application of learning concepts.
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NMSU’s strategic plan is committed to experiential learning by:
- Developing robust experiential learning, service-learning, and research experiences that engage students and contribute to the development of essential skills
- Enhancing system-wide internship, co-op, and externship opportunities to meet employment and workforce needs
- Developing a strategic relationship with New Mexico Workforce Solutions to expand student awareness of New Mexico employment opportunities
- Fostering awareness of post-graduate opportunities for career advancement
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tiktok协议版私信接口官- 狗急加速器
Benefits of incorporating Experiential Learning in your college journey include:
- Gaining a better perspective on your educational plan
- Expanding career readiness as defined by NACE
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- Making better decisions for your career path
Experiential learning may include:
- Micro-Internships
- Externships
- Apprenticeships
- Practicums
- Student Teaching
- Clinicals
- Fieldwork
- Job Shadowing
- Mentorships
- Capstone Courses
NMSU offers experiential learning through various programs:
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- Academic Courses
- Volunteering
- Education Abroad
Interested in learning more about experiential learning? Request an appointment with the co-op/internship coordinator via your Handshake account. To schedule an appointment, log in to your Handshake profile through your myNMSU account, then follow this path: Career Center > Appointments > Schedule a New Appointment > Co-op / Internship Advising.
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